Guarantee : In order to confirm your reservation, you are required to supply valid credit card détails.
Cancellations : You will not be charged any fees if you cancel before 9.00 a.m. on the day of your planned arrival. Cancellations after 9.00 a.m. or failure to arrive will be charged to your credit card at 100% of the first night rate.
Non-smoking rooms : Guests that choose to smoke in a non-smoking room, will be charged between 250 and 400 CHF for professional cleaning costs. You will also incur costs due to lost revenues.
Room damages : The guest is liable for damage caused by negligence, vandalism or excessive alcohol consumption. The damages will be charged to your credit card at 100 % of repair or replacement.
Valuables : The hotel does not accept any liability for valuables left in the room. It is the responsibility of the guest to use the room safe that is provided.
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This website has been prepared with the aim of providing information about Alpes & Rhône hotel, our products and services. Owing to the nature of the internet we cannot guarantee that this website or the websites to which it is linked will always be available to users. The hotel accepts no liability for failures of internet performance, damage, caused by third parties, imported data of all kinds (virus, worm, Trojan horse) for links from and to other websites. Links from this websirDte are provided for information and convienience only and we have no control over and cannot therefore accept responsability or liability for content of any linked third party website. We do not endorse any linked websites. All information (in particular prices, bookings, online calculations) is given without obligation. We cannot guarantee that such data are always fully up to date in every case. We reserve the right to amend or update information on this site at any time and without prior announcement. This likewise applies to improvements and/or modifications to our products or programs described on this site.
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